It’s common on Father’s Day to hear daughters and sons talk about their fathers. Share stories of growing up with them. Pay tribute to them.
It’s less common, we think, to see or hear fathers talk about being fathers. So we teamed up with our pals at Summit Racing to ask this question on Summit Racing’s Facebook page.
Per usual, tons of people had tons of great responses.
We grabbed some of our favorites that included photos, and are sharing them here.
Please don’t forget to extend Happy Father’s Day wishes to the dads in your life, and to all of you fathers and fathers-to-be out there, we wish you a very happy Father’s Day.
“What is the Best Car/Truck/Racing-Related Memory You’ve Had with Your Son or Daughter?”
Barry A.
John O.
Mike H.
John M.
Blake D.
Steve B.
Mac B.
Gregory W.
Tim W. Jr.
Albert B.
Brandon C.
Tom F.
Ben L.
Dave A.
We can trust our children. This is a mechanism of education that works in one direction. We can use educational books or sites, but practice is the main thing. Real life shows the possibilities of human communication. We must teach children the pranial attitude to cars, health. It may affect their worldview.