In the United States, Bring Your Child to Work Day occurs on the fourth Thursday in April.

So in the spirit of “Bring Your Kid to Work Day,” I took my six year old to a car show a while back.

He brought along his toy camera to snap some pics and offer his insight—much like I do, only with a pint-size perspective.

kids toy camera
The tool of the trade. (Image/SpeedArticle)

It was a really interesting experiment. Like many other kids, he has an inherent fascination with cool, loud cars. But I was surprised by what else caught his eye: Instead of going right for the classic musclecars, he steered himself towards cars that he recognized from movies and to things that he’d never seen before (like a rear-engine VW). Scroll through the photo gallery below and you’ll see what I mean.

Got a Jr. Gearhead at home? Check out these cool car-themed gifts for kids.

And if you’ve taken a child to a car show recently, please share your experience with us in the comments section too.

“The engine’s in the wrong spot.” (Image/SpeedArticle)
“It’s too big for my camera.” (Image/SpeedArticle)
“This one was loud.” (Image/SpeedArticle)
“It’s Cruella Deville’s car.” (Image/SpeedArticle)
“The hood opens backwards!” (Image/SpeedArticle)
“I bet she knows Sally.” (Image/SpeedArticle)
“It’s a crumb-ertible.” (Image/SpeedArticle)
“SSsssss like a snake.” (Image/SpeedArticle)
“The inside is cleaner than yours, dad.” (Image/SpeedArticle)
“Cool stickers!” (Image/SpeedArticle)
“Those two guys were in the way.” (Image/SpeedArticle)
“Look at this cool cartoon bug guy.” (Image/SpeedArticle)
“It’s got extra wheels!” (Image/SpeedArticle)
“SF must mean ‘Sooooo Fast’ because this car looks fast.” (Image/SpeedArticle)
“A Cincinnati Bengal car!” (Image/SpeedArticle)

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Author: Paul Sakalas

Paul is the editor of SpeedArticle. When he's not writing, you'll probably find him fixing oil leaks in a Jeep CJ-5 or roof leaks in 1972 Corvette ragtop. Thanks to a penchant for vintage Honda motorcycles, he spends the rest of his time fiddling with carburetors and cleaning chain lube off his left pant leg.