Editor’s Note: SpeedArticle is dedicated to keeping enthusiasts informed about legislation that could affect their hobby. We’ve created a semi-regular feature, “Legislative News,” to highlight important government bills and other legislation that could positively or negatively impact hot rodding, racing, or off-roading.
Legislation that would have made it a criminal offense to disturb the peace with “noise from an exhaust system of any vehicle that is not equipped or constructed to prevent any disturbing or unreasonably loud noise” died when the West Virginia legislature adjourned for the year. Under the bill, vehicle owners convicted of a violation would have been fined up to $1,000 per occurrence, confined up to six months in jail, or both.
Current West Virginia law allows only for a muffler originally installed by the manufacturer or an equivalent. The law provides no objective noise measurement standard for exhaust systems that would benefit consumers, industrial vehicles, or police officers charged with enforcing the law. The term “disturbing or unreasonably loud” is highly subjective and open to wide interpretation.
Louisiana Introduces Bill to Exempt Antique Motor Vehicles From State and Local Taxes
Legislation (H.B. 502) to exempt antique motor vehicles from state and local taxes has been introduced. The bill will be considered by the Louisiana House Ways and Means Committee. The bill defines an “antique motor vehicle” as a motor vehicle which was manufactured at least 25 years ago, is maintained by a private collector, and is not used for commercial purposes. If enacted into law, the measure would go into effect July 1, 2017.
The disrespectful behavior demonstrated by an indifferent segment of our citizenry to their fellow citizen is exactly why legislation, such as West Virginia’s, is exactly why such legislation is needed.
then theres know need too listen I think ? wth