The compressed air-powered engine built almost entirely from Lego blocks. (Image courtesy of

The compressed air-powered engine built almost entirely from Lego blocks. (Image courtesy of

File this one under In Case You Missed It.

A little over a year ago, a 20-year-old Romanian guy named Raul Oaida took on the task of building a functioning car almost entirely out of Lego blocks, designed by Steve Sammartino in Melbourne, Australia.

And he did.

It’s a lot nicer than the ones we build.

Via online crowdfunding, the two men raised about $22,000 for the “Super Awesome Micro Project” and, using more than 500,000 Lego pieces, built a full-size Lego hot rod that uses a compressed air-powered Lego engine to propel the vehicle to just under 20 miles-per-hour.

It’s not likely to win any races, but, if this is the first time you’re seeing it, you’ve got to give it style points.

For more information, you can watch this Science Channel video:

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Author: Matt Griswold

After a 10-year newspaper journalism career, Matt Griswold spent another decade writing about the automotive aftermarket and motorsports. He was part of the original SpeedArticle editorial team when it launched in 2012.