The seventh installment of the Fast and Furious movie franchise premiered unannounced at SXSW, reminding us once again of the legions of fans who pretend to not like these films, but secretly love them.

It’s because fast cars! Awesome fighting! Pretty girls! But mostly just fast cars!

We understand.

For many of us, the cars have become the stars of the Fast and Furious films. Furious 7 is no different, and offers up a huge array of automotive eye candy for our viewing pleasure.

We came across this fantastic video of how the production team captured one of the more thrilling sequences on camera and we think it’s definitely worth a watch.

Additionally, here are some movie stills of many of the cars you can expect to see:

2015 Dodge Charger

2015 dodge charger fast and furious

2014 Aston Martin DB9

Aston Martin DB9

2014 Audi R8

Audi R8
2013 W Motors Lykan Hypersport

2013 w motors lykan hypersport fast and furious

2011 Bugatti Veyron

bugatti fast and furious

2011 Dodge Challenger SRT-8

2011 dodge challenger fast and furious

1972 Plymouth Barracuda

1972 plymouth barracuda fast and furious

1970 Dodge Charger R/T

1970 dodge charger rt fast and furious

1969 Ford Torino Talladega

1969 Ford Torino

1967 Chevy Camaro

67 Chevy Camaro fast and furious


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Author: Matt Griswold

After a 10-year newspaper journalism career, Matt Griswold spent another decade writing about the automotive aftermarket and motorsports. He was part of the original SpeedArticle editorial team when it launched in 2012.