Over the years, we’ve seen some pretty immaculate cars that we would classify as “fine art.” We’ve seen some artistic uses for old parts, beer bottles, and household items on rat rods and retro shop trucks. And, on more than one occasion, we’ve referred to car building as an art form.

But James Corbett of Queensland, Australia brings auto and art together in a whole new way.

Our friends at Crane Cams turned us on to Corbett, who converts scrapped car parts–things like spark plugs, radiators, clutch discs, and exhausts–into unbelievable sculptures. And he’s quite good at it. Check out the gallery above for some of his impressive works, all of which were created from old 1950s and 60s car parts he rescued from a junk yard.

After spending weeks dedicated to locating suitable pieces, Corbett meticulously cleans parts and welds them together to make the finished sculptures. “Often the longest part of the process is finding old parts suitable for sculpture,” Corbett said. “On average, each piece takes a little over two weeks of work, but the larger pieces can take much longer.”

Scroll through the gallery, see how many old parts you can identify, and then visit Crane’s Facebook page for more of Corbett’s work.

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Author: David Fuller

David Fuller is SpeedArticle' managing editor. During his 20-year career in the auto industry, he has covered a variety of races, shows, and industry events and has authored articles for multiple magazines. He has also partnered with mainstream and trade publications on a wide range of editorial projects. In 2012, he helped establish SpeedArticle, where he enjoys covering all facets of hot rodding and racing.