Progress, perhaps?

Automotive and racing enthusiasts have voiced their feelings about the EPA’s proposed regulation to prohibit the conversion of on-road vehicles into race cars via this online petition and on forums and websites.

At the very least, those dissenting voices against the proposal have been noticed.

The EPA has now reopened public comment and is welcoming your input on the proposed rule.

You can review the rule here, find out why it’s widely viewed as a threat to your hobby here, and then leave your thoughts here.

You can also sign the petition that helped get the EPA’s attention here.

Check back for more updates on this issue.

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Author: David Fuller

David Fuller is SpeedArticle' managing editor. During his 20-year career in the auto industry, he has covered a variety of races, shows, and industry events and has authored articles for multiple magazines. He has also partnered with mainstream and trade publications on a wide range of editorial projects. In 2012, he helped establish SpeedArticle, where he enjoys covering all facets of hot rodding and racing.