What does it take to reach 1,000 miles-per-hour…on land?
A lot of math, science, and engineering—along with a team smart enough to put it all together.
Richard Noble, Leader of the Bloodhound SSC Project and former Land Speed Record holder poses with the actual Bloodhound SSC (SuperSonic Car).
Bloodhound SSC is a program founded on the principles of education and inspiration, with the ultimate goal of obliterating the current land speed record of 760.343 miles-per-hour using a Supersonic Car capable of 1,000 miles-per-hour. Unlike other land speed projects, though, Bloodhound SSC has an ulterior motive: To motivate kids into the math, science, and engineering trades by sharing the technology used on the car.
Bloodhound SSC pilot Andy Green (Wing Commander, RAF) says it perfectly in the video above: “Bloodhound SSC has a very unusual objective for a land speed record project. It’s not to set a speed or even a new record. It’s to get everyone from 6 (years old) to 96 interested and excited by mathematics.”
After all, what makes high school students more excited about mathematics and science than a blistering-fast rocket car?
To help achieve those educational goals, Richard Noble, Project Director of Bloodhound SSC, leads presentations on The Bloodhound Project called “Engineering the Fastest Car in the World.” Noble, a former land speed record holder, will give his next presentation at Cuyahoga Falls High School near Akron, OH on October 10. He calls Bloodhound SSC the most extraordinary project he’s been involved with. Check out the video above to find out why!
Event Information
Engineering the Fastest Car in the World
With Richard Noble, Project Director, Bloodhound SSC
Thursday, October 10, 7 pm.
Cuyahoga Falls High School
This presentation is free and open to the public. No reservations are required. Learn more at BloodhoundSSC.com.